By Trace Trajano
Most financial pundits will say "Live within your means and you will
be OK financially." While it is BAD to live above your means...or to
spend more than you earn, I have never seen a millionaire or a
billionaire who saved his or her way to financial success. Meaning...
saving money is good but it is not enough to make you a
millionaire or a billionaire.
Here's the solution: live within your means AND expand your means.
You need to have an additional streams of income other than your job.
If not, you will always need to work to make money. I don't care even if
you earn one million pesos a month. If you have to always work 8, 10
or 12 hours a day for's not the way to become wealthy. As Robert
Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad would say "Wealth is the
number of months or days you can afford not to work." If you always
need to work, then you're not wealthy. You can be rich...or someone
with a lot of cash but if you always need to work long hours to earn it,
then you're not wealthy.
You need to have passive income. Passive income is defined as
income that comes in with very little or NO work. I get passive income
from the monthly cashflow of real estate and royalty from my books.
Essentially, passive income is income that comes in even while you
To learn how to make money even while you s.leep, clic.k HERE.
dedicated to your success,
P.S. Last time I emailed about my upcoming "Quick CASH Real Estate"
seminar, I got deluded by requests on how to pay for it with bank deposit.
Here is how you can pay via bank deposit.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Problem with Living Within Your Means
By Trace Trajano
Most financial pundits will say "Live within your means and you will be OK financially." While it is BAD to live above your means...or to spend more than you earn, I have never seen a millionaire or a billionaire who saved his or her way to financial success. Meaning...saving money is good but it is not enough to make you a millionaire or a billionaire.
Here's the solution: live within your means AND expand your means.
You need to have an additional streams of income other than your job. If not, you will always need to work to make money. I don't care even if you earn one million pesos a month. If you have to always work 8, 10 or 12 hours a day for's not the way to become wealthy. As Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad would say "Wealth is the number of months or days you can afford not to work." If you always need to work, then you're not wealthy. You can be rich...or someone with a lot of cash but if you always need to work long hours to earn it, then you're not wealthy.
You need to have passive income. Passive income is defined as income that comes in with very little or NO work. I get passive income from the monthly cashflow of real estate and royalty from my books. Essentially, passive income is income that comes in even while you sleep.
In my book, "Think Rich Yuppies" (co-authored with Sha Nacino), we laid out the financial blueprint that will ensure success. You have to save least 10% of your gross income. You have to pay off your debts systematically and automatically so you don't focus on them. You then have to learn how to generate passive income streams. In order to supplement that chapter, I proposed to Sha Nacino that she interviews different gurus about generating multiple streams of income. One of the gurus she interviewed is Eireen Diokno-Bernardo.
Eireen is the Philippines' number 1 eBay powerseller. To be a powerseller, you need to have sold millions of pesos worth of merchandise. So Eireen is NOT an amateur or hobbyist eBay seller. She has managed to build a real business that generates massive income for her and her family. The nice thing about eBay is that, once you set up the business in the right way, the income that comes in is basically passive. You don't have to deal with customers face-to-face. You don't have to sell in person. If you're a shy person like me...selling on eBay might be your one way for you to learn how to sell. Eireen advises that you need to set up an arrangement with a shipping company in order to get your shipping done in the right way and in order for you NOT to spend the time shipping what you're selling.
You might be thinking, "eBay is NOT for me. I don't have anything to sell." Eireen thought in the same way in the past. Actually, the one who started the eBay business for the Bernardo family is not Eireen herself but her husband. He started selling old memorabilia and he profited handsomely in the process. Any "junk" you have in the house might be valuable for someone and eBay could be the way for you to dispose them and make money from them at the same time.
You might be thinking, "I am broke. I don't have money to buy merchandise to sell on eBay." Think again: you can sell merchandise on eBay even before you buy them. You can also buy the merchandise on consignment. In other words, you can have your very own eBay store with "no money down" just like real estate.
Lastly, you might be thinking, "I have a full time job. eBay sounds like a lot of work: I need to buy the merchandise, pack them and ship them myself." Think again: there are some eBay vendors who act as middlemen. All they do is coordinate everything. Once an order comes in from their eBay stores, they call the manufacturer to coordinate directly with the shipping company to ship the goods directly to the customer. Passive income, isn't it?
To find out more how to launch your very own eBay business, get our book + 4 audio CDs "Think Rich Yuppies" here -
dedicated to your success,
P.S. Do you want to save on the shipping costs? You can get the book at a substantial discount on March 9, 2011 when you attend my upcoming seminar. Clic'k HERE to attend and register for the event (you have to be a member of to register but membership is f'ree...)
Most financial pundits will say "Live within your means and you will be OK financially." While it is BAD to live above your means...or to spend more than you earn, I have never seen a millionaire or a billionaire who saved his or her way to financial success. Meaning...saving money is good but it is not enough to make you a millionaire or a billionaire.
Here's the solution: live within your means AND expand your means.
You need to have an additional streams of income other than your job. If not, you will always need to work to make money. I don't care even if you earn one million pesos a month. If you have to always work 8, 10 or 12 hours a day for's not the way to become wealthy. As Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad would say "Wealth is the number of months or days you can afford not to work." If you always need to work, then you're not wealthy. You can be rich...or someone with a lot of cash but if you always need to work long hours to earn it, then you're not wealthy.
You need to have passive income. Passive income is defined as income that comes in with very little or NO work. I get passive income from the monthly cashflow of real estate and royalty from my books. Essentially, passive income is income that comes in even while you sleep.
In my book, "Think Rich Yuppies" (co-authored with Sha Nacino), we laid out the financial blueprint that will ensure success. You have to save least 10% of your gross income. You have to pay off your debts systematically and automatically so you don't focus on them. You then have to learn how to generate passive income streams. In order to supplement that chapter, I proposed to Sha Nacino that she interviews different gurus about generating multiple streams of income. One of the gurus she interviewed is Eireen Diokno-Bernardo.
Eireen is the Philippines' number 1 eBay powerseller. To be a powerseller, you need to have sold millions of pesos worth of merchandise. So Eireen is NOT an amateur or hobbyist eBay seller. She has managed to build a real business that generates massive income for her and her family. The nice thing about eBay is that, once you set up the business in the right way, the income that comes in is basically passive. You don't have to deal with customers face-to-face. You don't have to sell in person. If you're a shy person like me...selling on eBay might be your one way for you to learn how to sell. Eireen advises that you need to set up an arrangement with a shipping company in order to get your shipping done in the right way and in order for you NOT to spend the time shipping what you're selling.
You might be thinking, "eBay is NOT for me. I don't have anything to sell." Eireen thought in the same way in the past. Actually, the one who started the eBay business for the Bernardo family is not Eireen herself but her husband. He started selling old memorabilia and he profited handsomely in the process. Any "junk" you have in the house might be valuable for someone and eBay could be the way for you to dispose them and make money from them at the same time.
You might be thinking, "I am broke. I don't have money to buy merchandise to sell on eBay." Think again: you can sell merchandise on eBay even before you buy them. You can also buy the merchandise on consignment. In other words, you can have your very own eBay store with "no money down" just like real estate.
Lastly, you might be thinking, "I have a full time job. eBay sounds like a lot of work: I need to buy the merchandise, pack them and ship them myself." Think again: there are some eBay vendors who act as middlemen. All they do is coordinate everything. Once an order comes in from their eBay stores, they call the manufacturer to coordinate directly with the shipping company to ship the goods directly to the customer. Passive income, isn't it?
To find out more how to launch your very own eBay business, get our book + 4 audio CDs "Think Rich Yuppies" here -
dedicated to your success,
P.S. Do you want to save on the shipping costs? You can get the book at a substantial discount on March 9, 2011 when you attend my upcoming seminar. Clic'k HERE to attend and register for the event (you have to be a member of to register but membership is f'ree...)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Steps to spend your money wisely
Step #4: Adjust your spending accordingly.
Take what you have learned about yourself and create a future where you spend your money wisely according to your values. A budget is the best way to help direct your spending. Don’t keep making bad money choices! When setting amounts for your budget categories make sure they fit your personal preferences.
A final thought.
Try incorporating your gifts to people into the same evaluation. I suspect you will find that there is a growing pleasure that comes from giving.
Let me leave you with one final quote from Jason Zweig:
“While the money you spend on acquisitions tend to feel more and more like a mistake as time passes, the money you spend on experiences is apt to grow in value as your memories grow warmer.”
By Craig Ford
Take what you have learned about yourself and create a future where you spend your money wisely according to your values. A budget is the best way to help direct your spending. Don’t keep making bad money choices! When setting amounts for your budget categories make sure they fit your personal preferences.
A final thought.
Try incorporating your gifts to people into the same evaluation. I suspect you will find that there is a growing pleasure that comes from giving.
Let me leave you with one final quote from Jason Zweig:
“While the money you spend on acquisitions tend to feel more and more like a mistake as time passes, the money you spend on experiences is apt to grow in value as your memories grow warmer.”
By Craig Ford
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Steps to spend your money wisely
Step #3: Have a ‘this’-and-‘that’ face off.
This really is a simple exercise. It has been observed that hindsight is 20/20 so go ahead and use that clear vision of the past to guide your future spending. Take a few items in your home and place them side by side and ask, “Right now which item am I happier that I purchased?” Your answer will help guide your future spending.
Sample A: Luggage
These two pictures of luggage have the same purpose – they help haul my useless junk around the world. So far both of these items have accomplished the task with equal effectiveness. Any time my junk does not arrive it is typically the fault of an airline, not the luggage itself. There is one significant difference – cost. The two bags in Exhibit A cost about $85 and the cost for Exhibit B was $5. Using my 20/20 perspective I now know what a complete and absolute waste of money to pay $85 for something I can find for $5 at any used clothing store in America. As a result, I have now decided that I’ll buy all my luggage second hand.
Sample B: The Vacation and the Fridge
You will notice that my fridge (which has only been used for less than three years) is rusting. I’m finding that the type of a fridge does little to contribute to my spending satisfaction. In the future I am going to think about functionality without any fancy bells and whistles.
I have a whole slew of vacation pictures I enjoy looking at. Those great memories grow year after year. Vacations always provide some special family times. As a result, I enjoy spending money on vacations because I feel like they contribute something to my life’s satisfaction.
This really is a simple exercise. It has been observed that hindsight is 20/20 so go ahead and use that clear vision of the past to guide your future spending. Take a few items in your home and place them side by side and ask, “Right now which item am I happier that I purchased?” Your answer will help guide your future spending.
Sample A: Luggage
These two pictures of luggage have the same purpose – they help haul my useless junk around the world. So far both of these items have accomplished the task with equal effectiveness. Any time my junk does not arrive it is typically the fault of an airline, not the luggage itself. There is one significant difference – cost. The two bags in Exhibit A cost about $85 and the cost for Exhibit B was $5. Using my 20/20 perspective I now know what a complete and absolute waste of money to pay $85 for something I can find for $5 at any used clothing store in America. As a result, I have now decided that I’ll buy all my luggage second hand.
Sample B: The Vacation and the Fridge
You will notice that my fridge (which has only been used for less than three years) is rusting. I’m finding that the type of a fridge does little to contribute to my spending satisfaction. In the future I am going to think about functionality without any fancy bells and whistles.
I have a whole slew of vacation pictures I enjoy looking at. Those great memories grow year after year. Vacations always provide some special family times. As a result, I enjoy spending money on vacations because I feel like they contribute something to my life’s satisfaction.
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Please kindly forward this invitation to your family members and friends.
To your success,
John Calub Training, Inc.
DATE: March 5, 2011 (Saturday)
TIME: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
VENUE: Crossroad77 (, Mother Ignacia Avenue corner Scout Reyes Street, Quezon City
TICKETS: Only P250.00 (inclusive of workbook, pen and certificate of completion).
1. Get tickets at any SM Cinema ticketbooths in all SM Malls nationwide. You may call SM Tickets at 470-2222 to reserve tickets.
2. You can also purchase your tickets at ODYSSEY MUSIC AND VIDEO STORES at the following malls:
a. Greenbelt
b. Park Square
c. Market Market
d. Alabang Town Center
For further details:
1. Call John Calub Training at 748-7646 / 382-9997 / 7442925
2. Text 09052926987
For complete information, visit
Please kindly forward this invitation to your family members and friends.
To your success,
John Calub Training, Inc.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Steps to spend your money wisely
Step #2: Ask your spouse a simple question – “What are some of your favorite memories?”
Our Experiences with Stuff Dulls Over Time
In the book Your Money and Your Brain author Jason Zweig writes:
“We get used to almost anything we are frequently exposed to. That’s why the money we spend on big purchases gives us such a perishable pleasure.” (bold added. pg 236)
Zweig goes on to use the example of a new car. Remember that new car? It “glistens like a gigantic jewel”. However, the cycle of auto life requires that within months (or even days) there will be dings and scratches in your fine automobile. After just a few short months, we are disillusioned because the car is not bringing as much satisfaction as we intended. So before you know it you are on the market for another new car. Regarding this tendency Zweig writes:
“Unfortunately, the vision pales by comparison when it collides with reality. … Instead of realizing that big spending will probably never make you happy, you conclude that you simply spent your bundle on the wrong thing.” (pg. 236-237)
Our Experiences with Memories Sharpen Over Time
Spending that brings satisfaction is spending that creates memories. While some spending is pragmatic and functional (i.e. fridge and stove) we must ultimately remember their function. I think about great time saving appliances like the dishwasher and the microwave. That time void has not been filled with activities that create memories; instead it is filled with more activity. Things like vacations actually leave a sweeter taste (assuming you pay cash!) as the days go by.
“The vacation in your photo album is more pleasant than the one you actually had, and that may skew your memory. … Your memories, then, are not just recollections. They are also reconstructions” (Jason Zweig, 238).
Why not plan your spending in such a way that you spend a larger percentage of your money on things that are rewarding (like giving) and steer away from spending money on stuff that dulls over time?
Our Experiences with Stuff Dulls Over Time
In the book Your Money and Your Brain author Jason Zweig writes:
“We get used to almost anything we are frequently exposed to. That’s why the money we spend on big purchases gives us such a perishable pleasure.” (bold added. pg 236)
Zweig goes on to use the example of a new car. Remember that new car? It “glistens like a gigantic jewel”. However, the cycle of auto life requires that within months (or even days) there will be dings and scratches in your fine automobile. After just a few short months, we are disillusioned because the car is not bringing as much satisfaction as we intended. So before you know it you are on the market for another new car. Regarding this tendency Zweig writes:
“Unfortunately, the vision pales by comparison when it collides with reality. … Instead of realizing that big spending will probably never make you happy, you conclude that you simply spent your bundle on the wrong thing.” (pg. 236-237)
Our Experiences with Memories Sharpen Over Time
Spending that brings satisfaction is spending that creates memories. While some spending is pragmatic and functional (i.e. fridge and stove) we must ultimately remember their function. I think about great time saving appliances like the dishwasher and the microwave. That time void has not been filled with activities that create memories; instead it is filled with more activity. Things like vacations actually leave a sweeter taste (assuming you pay cash!) as the days go by.
“The vacation in your photo album is more pleasant than the one you actually had, and that may skew your memory. … Your memories, then, are not just recollections. They are also reconstructions” (Jason Zweig, 238).
Why not plan your spending in such a way that you spend a larger percentage of your money on things that are rewarding (like giving) and steer away from spending money on stuff that dulls over time?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Steps to spend your money wisely
Step #1: Take a visual inventory of the stuff already in your home.
Have you ever helped someone move? If you have you know that a question people often ask while moving is, “How did we get so much stuff (junk)?” Every item in your home has been purchased with money you labored for. As you walk around the house look at your items and ask:
* Does this item give me satisfaction?
* Did it end up being as useful as I wished?
* If I had to buy it again would I?
* Do I have more things than I know what to do with?
If you answered negatively more often than not, it is likely that you are having trouble directing your spending towards things you truly care about. Perhaps you are purchasing impulsively. Nevertheless, your spending is such that it brings more frustration than satisfaction.
“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:20 NIV)
By Craig Ford
Have you ever helped someone move? If you have you know that a question people often ask while moving is, “How did we get so much stuff (junk)?” Every item in your home has been purchased with money you labored for. As you walk around the house look at your items and ask:
* Does this item give me satisfaction?
* Did it end up being as useful as I wished?
* If I had to buy it again would I?
* Do I have more things than I know what to do with?
If you answered negatively more often than not, it is likely that you are having trouble directing your spending towards things you truly care about. Perhaps you are purchasing impulsively. Nevertheless, your spending is such that it brings more frustration than satisfaction.
“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:20 NIV)
By Craig Ford
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Steps to spend your money wisely
by Craig Ford
4 Steps To Help You Control Your Spending
Budgeting is essentially the process of asking: should I spend my money on this or that? A person’s income represents the fixed dollars with which they have to spend. When someone sets their budget they must decided (based on their preferences) what to spend on ‘this’ and what to spend on ‘that’. The problem is that sometimes people prioritize the wrong things. They buy ‘this’ when they should have bought ‘that’. Being able to control you is the difference between being frugal instead of cheap. If you find yourself in a situation where you often buy things you regret then these four steps will help you focus your spending.
Step 1 will be posted later...
4 Steps To Help You Control Your Spending
Budgeting is essentially the process of asking: should I spend my money on this or that? A person’s income represents the fixed dollars with which they have to spend. When someone sets their budget they must decided (based on their preferences) what to spend on ‘this’ and what to spend on ‘that’. The problem is that sometimes people prioritize the wrong things. They buy ‘this’ when they should have bought ‘that’. Being able to control you is the difference between being frugal instead of cheap. If you find yourself in a situation where you often buy things you regret then these four steps will help you focus your spending.
Step 1 will be posted later...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Invest Your Money Wisely
The economy is undoubtedly slow and the consumers are waiting with abated breath to know about its possible recovery; unfortunately they have also been hit by loads of debt and trying to get financial comfort through the debt settlement companies. But none of us can predict the time when we will be able to get out of the pangs of a falling economy. The prices of grocery items have hit an all time high and so are the gas prices; due to the high rates of inflation, the citizens are experiencing a sheer lack of financial security. Their monthly budgets have fallen flat and the irresponsible spenders are under the clutches of bankruptcy almost. There are too many of those investment opinions that are doing the rounds; you will often get to read in the newspapers about these options which are risk free and profitable. But one thing is for sure, the stock market investment options have almost come to a close.
The consumers are simply not ready to part with the residual funds which they are left with. The idea of investing money has become almost similar to taking a plunge for suicide; people are running from pillar to post in order to know about the places which can shield their money and they can avoid getting duped. But one needs to rethink that the investments of an individual can be left for a long time and the consumers should stop getting so much anxious after all. If we are prepared to invest our dollars we should have the necessary conviction to carry on with the same. We should never follow someone but know ourselves about the pockets which can provide us with the best returns; the consumers should try to restrict the medium of television which is constantly sending the dreadful notifications of a falling stock market to the people. Here are a few factors which you can consider while investing:
• Do not afraid to take risk as the more risk you will take, the better will be the returns on your hard earned money.
• You should make sure that your investments should successfully beat the high rates of inflation.
• Check properly whether your investments are free of tax or not.
• You should also know about the miscellaneous fees and the charges of hiring a financial planner to guide you on the investments.
• The past performances of the investments should be checked.
• You should have a control on your investments and be able to move it if you want.
Therefore, instead of crying over the downward trends in the economy and the falling markets, try to have the smartest approach before investing your money.
allysamarks is a Journalist who writes on various Debt settlement and bankruptcy related financial articles.Get to know more about the related topics from
Article Source:
The consumers are simply not ready to part with the residual funds which they are left with. The idea of investing money has become almost similar to taking a plunge for suicide; people are running from pillar to post in order to know about the places which can shield their money and they can avoid getting duped. But one needs to rethink that the investments of an individual can be left for a long time and the consumers should stop getting so much anxious after all. If we are prepared to invest our dollars we should have the necessary conviction to carry on with the same. We should never follow someone but know ourselves about the pockets which can provide us with the best returns; the consumers should try to restrict the medium of television which is constantly sending the dreadful notifications of a falling stock market to the people. Here are a few factors which you can consider while investing:
• Do not afraid to take risk as the more risk you will take, the better will be the returns on your hard earned money.
• You should make sure that your investments should successfully beat the high rates of inflation.
• Check properly whether your investments are free of tax or not.
• You should also know about the miscellaneous fees and the charges of hiring a financial planner to guide you on the investments.
• The past performances of the investments should be checked.
• You should have a control on your investments and be able to move it if you want.
Therefore, instead of crying over the downward trends in the economy and the falling markets, try to have the smartest approach before investing your money.
allysamarks is a Journalist who writes on various Debt settlement and bankruptcy related financial articles.Get to know more about the related topics from
Article Source:
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